Stella Artois & ‘Give the Gift of Time’

Em Cooper works alongside Stella Artois and Mother London to create a life-saving spot.

In this global TVC, featuring Matt Damon, Jelly director Em Cooper has used her solid directorial and storytelling skills combined with her trademark hand-painted style and fluid, animated transitions to tell this amazing story, depicting the joy of having water close at hand for those who normally struggle to get it.

This Christmas, Stella Artois are selling a special limited edition Christmas Stella ‘chalice’, each chalice sold donates money to, (founded by Matt Damon and sponsored by Stella Artois), which aims to bring water closer to remote villages in the less-developed world, this, in turn, saves time for the women who walk miles every day to get water for their families – giving them back that time to spend with their families - ‘The Gift of Time’.

Em's unique style was chosen as Mother London were looking to create a piece that stood out for it’s own artistic and empowering approach. The film needed to be “completely unique and visually arresting”.

Her eye for craft and detail and unique watercolour technique meant that she was able to explore the script in beautiful and exciting ways while collaborating on the opening and closing Matt Damon scenes with New York Based live action director Mark Seliger.

Live Action

Even though animated in watercolour, the second half of this film was an organised live action shoot, to provide footage for the rotoscoped painting.

We had a casting brief for the table of women, a studio location, crew and kit, as well as sourcing props with an art director and wardrobe, which all needed to meet the client brief.

The animation director Em, along with the DOP, led the shoot and directed the talent.

Every frame in this project is a work of art.

Please see below the 240 hand painted water colour paintings that make up the frames of the animation.

How we helped
